Quadrant Alpha Technology Solutions, Inc.

The Edge that Billing and Sales Management Gives

Why invest with Billing and Sales Management?

Having the right system to handle bills and sales is crucial in today’s society and business world. No matter how big or small your business is, it is just right to have a system that allows you to work with ease and with less hassle. And with the evolving technology, Billing and Sales are made easier for businesses to handle. Now, managing operations and invoices can be done swiftly, as well as responding to the clients’ needs and demands. No more written bills and no more manual counting and assessing of sales.

What exactly is Billing and Sales Management?

It is a system that allows you to issue invoices or your proof of sales and collection to your customer accordingly on direct order. It accurately records all payments and generate receipts; it is fully compatible with any barcodes and printing systems. This system calculates sales tax and automate invoice generation which includes the credit term, discounts offered on a one-time or a recurring basis.

Billing and Sales Management minimizes errors. An efficient system will automatically compile costs and quotes, and then generate invoices from the data gathered. It greatly reduces the number of people required to produce quotes, hence minimizing the chance of human error. Thus, saves time and money. This management system also creates transparency. The information can easily be accessible so you can provide answers quickly to the customers’ query about billing process. Addressing problems and queries are done immediately. It also simplifies reporting. By using one integrated solution, it is simple to create useful and detailed reports. Your customized dashboards can be turned into convenient reports, which allows your business to quickly identify the most profitable clients and customers, as well as projecting cash-flows and buying patterns.

Let me tell you why you should invest with Quadrant Alpha’s Billing and Sales Management.

Billing and Sales Management allows your business to:

    1. Send Professional Invoices – Providing your costumers, the necessary invoices of their consumed goods or services
    2. Automate payment reminders – Giving your costumers automatic reminders of their payables without taking too much of your time.
    3. Faster processing, more efficient, and easier to use since its billing and invoice design is easier to understand and use.

Having this kind of billing and sales management set-up builds a good rapport within your clients and your business.

Here in QA, Billing and Sales Management features the following: automated billing, real-time reports, credits and refund management, payment reports, track and invoices with alerts, payments due with alerts, track batch payments, and billing per supplier.

Want to know more? Book a demo now.